Intercompany Network Interaction in the Field of Regional Tourist and Recreational Services: Specifics and Development Trends (on the Baikal Regions Experience)

Natalia Rubtsova, Nina Khamnaeva, Arina Astrakhantseva


The purpose of the research was to study the network interaction in the field of tourist and recreational services in two regions of Russia (the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia) that are similar in a number of signs, to identify the nature of the ongoing changes in the inter-company relations of tourist and recreational enterprises in the long term. The research hypotheses were based on the assumption of the intercompany interaction specificity due to the territorial concentration of enterprises, the unstable economic situation, and the lack of an effective coordination mechanism in the field of regional tourist and recreational services.

The research methodology was based on the formed list of intercompany relations characteristics and indicators, the practical manifestation of which in the field of tourist and recreational services in the Baikal regions was estimated in the long term by comparing the results of two empirical studies series (2013 - 2019).

Empirical verification of intercompany relations in the field of tourist and recreational services in the Baikal regions revealed that cooperation in the industry is characterized by a low degree of integration and readiness for joint activities, information disclosure and relationships designed for long-term cooperation.

Moreover, in the long term, these negative trends in the regions under consideration vary ambiguously. A significant factor influencing the development of relationships between partners was determined by the level of competition in the industry.

Ключевые слова

network, intercompany rela-tions, partnership, competitive cooperation, trust, value chain

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