Improving the Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in Primorsky Region: The Role of Strategic Entrepreneurship

Муханад Хасан Ага, Елена Гаффорова


With the increasing role played by tourism worldwide, Russia is turning to use tourism as an effective tool for overall development. Primorsky region is one of the leading tourist destinations in the Russian Far East where several Small and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) are operating to offer a variety of products, all of which constitute a tourism experience. Thus, there is a growing interest in the performance and management methods of such companies. Through the analysis of literature, this paper discusses tourism trends in Primorsky region and studies SMTEs working in there through exploring their characteristics and the challenges they are facing. The paper also investigates Strategic Entrepreneurship (SE) as an appropriate management method for managing SMTEs in Primorsky region. The study finds that both components of SE positively affect the performance of SMTEs. Consequently, the application of SE in SMTEs in Primorsky region might enable managers and owners of SMTEs to overcome the various challenges and shortcomings experienced by these companies and to exploit their resources in a way that helps them achieve the best possible performance without waiting for large investments in the region.

Ключевые слова

Primorsky region, Tourism industry, Management methods, Strategic entrepreneurship, Small and medium-sized businesses, SMTEs, Company’s performance

Полный текст:



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