Intensification of Innovation Activities of Enterprises Based on Innovative Development Strategies in the Context of the Impact of Industry 4.0

Алексей Алексеевич Кузубов, Нина Владимировна Шашло, Александр Николаевич Максименко


On the basis of the research conducted, the article defines the features of economic development, the practical application of innovations and the main factors of influence; researched the essence and trends of Industry 4.0 on a globally, analyzed and identified the main directions of implementation of the Industry 4.0 achievements into enterprises operation, as well as ways to create added value; the development stages of a strategy for innovative development of enterprises proposed by domestic and foreign scientists are reviewed, the development stages of an innovative development strategy in the context of Industry 4.0 are established.

Ключевые слова

innovation, development strat-egy, innovation activities, in-novative development, enter-prises, Industry 4.0, information technologies

Полный текст:



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