Факторы, влияющие на внедрение экоинноваций компаниями
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Казанцева А.Н. Эко-инновации как инструмент перехода к устойчивому раз витию // Известия СПбГЭУ. 2015. № 4 (94). С. 86–90.
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Arnold M.G., Hockerts K. The greening Dutchman: Philips’ process of green flagging to drive sustainable innovations // Business Strategy and the Environment. 2011. Vol. 20. Р. 394–407.
Azzone G., Noci G. Seeing ecology and “green” innovations as a source of change // Journal of Organizational Change Management. 1998. Vol. 11 (2). Р. 94–111.
Beise M., Rennings K. Lead markets and regulation: a framework for analyzing the international diffusion of environmental innovations // Ecological Economics. 2005. Vol. 52 (1). Р. 5–17.
Brunnermeier S.B., Cohen M. A. Determinants of environmental innovation in US manufacturing industries // Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2003. Vol. 45 (2). Р. 278–293.
Carrillo-Hermosilla J., Del Río P., Könnölä T. Diversity of eco-innovations: Reflections from selected case studies // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2010. Vol. 18 (10). Р. 1073–1083.
Chen Y.S. The Driver of Green Innovation and Green Image – Green Core competence // Journal of Business Ethics. 2008. Vol. 81 (3) Р. 531–543.
Del Río González Pablo. The Empirical Analysis of the Determinants for Environmental Technological Change: A Research Agenda // Ecological Economics. 2009. Vol. 68 (3). Р. 861–878.
Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco, Carla S. ten Caten, Carlos F. Jung [et al.]. Eco innovation determinants in manufacturing SMEs: Systematic review and research directions // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017. Vol. 142. Р. 2277–2287.
European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Inspiring Dialogues for Eco-Innovation – Context. 15th Forum on Eco Innovation and the UNEP Roundtable on Eco-Innovation. — Hanoi, Vietnam, on 12–13 November 2013.
Gonzalez P.R. The empirical analysis of the determinants for environmental technological change: a research agenda // Ecological Economics. 2009. Vol. 68 (3). Р. 9861–9878.
Gray Wayne B., Ronald J. Shadbegian. Environmental Regulation, Investment Timing, and Technology Choice // The Journal of Industrial Economics. 1998. Vol. 46. No. 2. Р. 235–256.
Horbach J. Determinants of environmental innovation – New evidence from German panel data sources // Research Policy. 2008. Vol. 37. Р. 163–173.
Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla, Pablo del Río, Totti Könnölä. Diversity of eco-inno vations: Reflections from selected case studies // Journal of Cleaner Production 2010. Vol. 18. Р. 1073–1083.
Klewitz J., Zeyen A., Hansen E.G. Intermediaries driving eco-innovation in SMEs: A 8 qualitative investigation // European Journal of Innovation Management. 2012. Vol. 15 (4). Р. 442–467.
Klewitz Johanna, Hansen Erik G. Sustainability-oriented innovation of SMEs: A systematic review // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014. Vol. 65. Р. 57–75.
Marilia Bonzanini Bossle, Marcia Dutra de Barcellos, Luciana Marques Vieira [et al.]. The drivers for adoption of eco-innovation // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016. Vol. 113. Р. 861–872.
OECD, 2009. Sustainable manufacturing and eco-innovation: towards a green economy // Policy Brief. June, 2009.
Porter M.E., Van Der Linde C. Green and competitive: ending the stalemate. — Harvard Business Review, 1995. — Р. 120–133.
Thomas Wolfgang Thurner, Vitalyi Roud. Greening strategies I Russia's manufacturing – from compliance to opportunity // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016. Vol. 112 (4). Р. 2851–2860.
Weng M.-H., Lin C.-Y. Determinants of green innovation adoption for small and mediumsize enterprises (SMES) // African Journal of Business Management. 2011. Vol. 5 (22). Р. 9154–9163.
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